About this piece.

While painting each other, our dialoguing was punctuated by amazing stares of utter concentration.

Alan would say something about the setting of my eyes compared to my eyes in his painting; he would mumble something inaudibly about the placement of the nostril while I was struggling loudly to come to terms with the size of his left ear.

We’d complain about the quality of the light, the Belgian humidity and the students’ lack of talent when it comes to washing paintbrushes. We’d talk about the state of the universe, compare teaching woes.

What is it with this eye? Where has the colour gone? Capture that look!
Pin it down, corner it now. Hmm… lost again.
Found…yet, yet….
Could you keep still for moment, Alan?
I’m pleased with the shoulder.
Is that my shoulder?

Stephanie Wintjes

Portfolio / Dialogues / Stephanie Wintjes

Dialogues - Stephanie Wintjes

Portrait: Stephanie Wintjes

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Metamorphoses Paintings & Drawings. All work featured in this portfolio is created by and © Alan Mitchell 2009. Website created by Op45.